Sunday, July 25, 2010

Stick a fork in me

Auditions Day 3-

Today has been an awesome, exhausting and extremely long day. Auditions were awesome. The actors were lucky enough to be allowed to read with me. I don't want to hear the words-Scary little man girls ever again....or at least until next Saturday during call backs.
I set a deadline for myself to have the production board done today. I came to Amelie's French Bakery with high hopes and they've slowly declined. It was too hot. It was too cold. I spilled my coffee. My computer needed to be plugged in, so I had to switch tables. A harmonica man took my table and then proceeded to play his tunes in my ear. My brain is no longer working at the speed I prefer and my eye balls need to be taken home in a small jar. To make a long story short- I'm getting than I normally am and I didn't finish the p-board. At this point, it's best that I'm in the comfort of my own apartment.

My REAL deadline is Wednesday. Let's all send out positive thoughts I get it done and get it done right. Kathy Taylor is a force to be reckoned with!

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